Shearing, Fishing and Another Cake

30 06 2009

We are rapidly hurtling towards summer holidays, with the kids breaking up from school this week……..where has this year gone?? Our fridges and freezers are virtually empty, so it’s time to start processing again, and I will be spending the bulk of this month putting together a proposal for leasing some more ground. Keith sheared the hogs last week in sweltering weather, and they made an executive decision yesterday when the mercury topped 30C that shearing the ewes was just not going to be an option! Keith shears with our friend Alistair who has a very nifty shearing trailer, complete with cartoon artwork!

Shearing the Hogs

ShearingKeith finishing off shearing a hog

Shearing is such a skilled job – to watch the boys at it you would think it was easy – shearing a sheep in just over a minute, but really it is a combination of fancy footwork, intricate clipping and plain old brute strength!

On Father’s day we went fishing with Keith’s dad, Eddy, and we all managed to get a fish…….of course Keith’s being the biggest and the best!!

Eddy, Keith and Tristan - da boys and a monster fish!

And finally it was Jess’s birthday last week, and true to form Keith made and decorated a beautiful cake for his favorite girl! Jess also did a talent show with the school this week – she sang Tomorrow from Annie, and practised it really hard – and she won! We are so proud of her!

Jess and her 8th Birthday Cake