Holidays for some……

27 10 2009

The last few weeks have been school holidays and the kids and I went to meet my dad in Paris and have a play in Disneyland……we took in some culture too! We saw the classics, impressionists, science museum, eifel tower, wax works and much more. Whilst we were holidaying, Keith was very busy taking the bull to the highland cattle show and sale, processing venison, going to markets and holding the fort. The bull did brilliantly at the show, taking the title of overall champion male. Calin, our beautiful highland bull

What a gentle giant he is – and rather handsome! He’s back home and on hire for the time being, and we’ll probably sell him at the February sale next year. In other news our collaborative company, The Skye Food Company, was shortlisted as finalists in the Highlands Local Food Awards in the best new business and best use of local produce categories. The awards dinner was last Friday night, and although we didn’t win our categories, we were delighted and honoured to have been included in a prestigious list of finalists.

We’re at the point in the year where we start planning what produce we’re going to have available at Christmas – this year we’ll be making up boxes of Highland Beef, Iron Age Pork roasts, chipolata sausages and dry cured Hams, and Venison. We’ll be attending local markets, and also a bit futher afield at Brodie Castle towards the end of November.

And then to our holiday…….Disneyland was great fun and it was a fantastic time to play 🙂


Tristan and Jess absorbing the cultural side of ParisBack to work now!



One response

28 10 2009

Congratulations on the nominations and prizes. It’s good to see you are being recognised for your hard work.