Lambs! and a budgie that is trying to get down under!

7 04 2009

We’ve got Soay lambs! Just in time for the foul weather……but then sheep often lamb when the weather turns – it means the lambs get straight up from the shock of the cold and wet – lambs that are born in the sunshine are often quite gleiky and don’t get straight up for a drink.

our first soay lamb for the year

I walked into the kitchen the other day and did a double take…..I thought our budgie was dead as it was lying on its back with its feet in the air. I rushed up to the cage only to see Bud right herself and carry on her merry way. I have never seen a bird lie on its back before by choice, and was wondering what on earth was going on! It seems that Bud is having some primeval longing for being down under perhaps, because she has taken to doing somersaults and lying on her back…….I’m sure she is just doing this for her own amusement, has anyone else seen this behaviour before??!!

